Landmark events in an employee’s personal life are often celebrated at work: birthdays, weddings, babies. Significant professional accomplishments also tend to be acknowledged and praised.
But what about tasks that fall outside of an employee’s formal job description that contribute to the smooth operation and success of an organization? Shouldn’t these efforts be recognized as well? Here are some examples of employee initiative that we believe deserve a reward, too.
Providing rewards for performance is a great way to improve morale over time. For example, American Express Incentive Services found that ratings on their employee satisfaction surveys rose from 3.2 to 4.25 after implementing an employee rewards and recognition program.
Planning a Company Social Event

Planning an event takes a lot of work. Whether it’s a simple evening bowling or a giant company-wide holiday party, it takes creativity, organization and enthusiasm to make an event happen.
Not to mention booking venues, arranging transportation, sending out invitations, collecting RSVPs... Events that give employees a chance to socialize outside of work encourage friendliness and team spirit. So share that spirit with a heartfelt thank you note and a gift card for a day at the spa.
Cleaning Out the Fridge
Tackling a lunchroom fridge is dirty business. Someone has to contend with all the abandoned containers with mysterious contents, dairy products well past their “best before date” and ancient fruits and vegetables.
This purging exercise is followed by a thorough cleaning, leaving the fridge a sparkling place to put your lunch bag. That definitely deserves a reward! A gift card for a lunch spot nearby would be a great choice.
Organizing the Supply Room

Supply cupboards can be scary places. Between all the paper, pens, notebooks, printer cartridges, calendars, labels, file folders, scissors, staplers, and boxes (and the list goes on), it’s easy to end up with a disorganized, hazardous mess.
Someone has to find the time to sort through and arrange this stockpiled stuff. Buy that someone some lottery tickets, so they can be as lucky are you are to have them.
Giving Excellent Customer Service
Employees that consistently deliver excellent service to internal and external clients often go unnoticed or get taken for granted. While some companies track customer satisfaction and reward employees with bonuses for a job well done, many do not.
For a small thank you, a thoughtful email or a coffee on the company says a lot. To recognize exemplary service over many years, consider a larger reward like a gift basket or even equity in the company.
Coordinating the Company Pool

Employee pools foster interaction and fun, but they don’t just happen. Whether it’s football, hockey, or a lottery pool, it takes a dedicated employee who’s probably volunteering their time and energy to get in picks, buy tickets, tabulate results, etc. Thank them with company tickets to a game, or credit at a sporting goods store.
Small Tokens of Appreciation Go a Long Way
Employees contribute to the success of their organization in big and small ways, and it’s important to recognize all of these efforts. Doing so will inspire and motivate employees, and encourage them to keep going above and beyond for years to come.
Looking to reward your employees? Why not keep it simple and give them a digital gift card?
Employee Rewards