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Visa is the most popular credit card in the US, accounting for 52.8% of all cards. You can use a Visa card to purchase anything anywhere in the country. Not only that, but you don’t have to carry around a physical card. When you send virtual Visa prepaid cards, they instantly arrive in the recipients’ inboxes, ready for activation and online spending. 

Whether you’re looking for the great employee rewards or survey participation incentives, virtual Visa cards are a great choice. We created this article to explain how they work and why you should use them for your incentive programs.

What are Virtual Visa incentive cards?

Virtual Visa incentive cards are non-reloadable prepaid cards that you can use anywhere that accepts Visa cards (which is just about everywhere). As the sender, you’ll load the card with a specific amount of money, and the recipient can use their reward until the funds run out. 

Global reward catalog.

To pay with a virtual Visa prepaid card, you’ll use the unique card number and CVV in the Debit or Credit section when checking out online. These cards are some of the most popular, powerful reward and incentive cards in the U.S. 

Why Virtual Visa prepaid card incentives are the greatest of all time

A significant consumer survey in 2018 revealed that most people prefer receiving gift cards or prepaid cards over other incentives. A gift with the power of choice is one of the most effective rewards, and Visa prepaid cards give endless options to your recipients. 

Keep reading to find out why virtual Visa prepaid cards should be your top choice for reward programs. 

OPT Blog Image - Q1 Blog 3 - employee receiving an incentive in the form of a virtual gift card

Recipients can spend it anywhere on anything

You can spend Visa prepaid cards on any item from any retailer that accepts Visa cards, making it the most versatile incentive. You can activate digital Visa prepaid cards and immediately spend the reward on whatever you want. This option works well for kickbacks and payouts.

You can offer flexibility

With Visa prepaid cards, you can offer flexibility in multiple ways. Besides the ability to spend them on anything, you can also choose to send a physical or virtual card based on recipients’ preferences. 

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Virtual cards are online only, and you can use them by filling out the Debit or Credit field on the checkout screen with the unique card number, expiration date, and CVV. Physical cards are usable in-person or online, and shipping them only takes eight to ten business days.

You can customize it to fit your brand

Visa’s innovative incentive card allows customization so your branding is front and center. You can add your logo and signature colors to the card, reminding the recipient who gave them the awesome gift. With digital reward software, you can also customize your communication to fit your unique image. 

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You can deliver your rewards instantly

Why make your reward recipients wait when you can send them a digital prepaid card? As soon as the reward slides into their inbox, they can activate and use the card. If you want to make the process even quicker, try using automation tools to send rewards as soon as the recipients earn them. No need to wait for the mail!

Giftbit is a tool that streamlines the process of buying, sending, and tracking digital rewards. You can create a custom reward template and send thousands of virtual gift cards and prepaid cards with a few clicks. You don’t need a dev team to make it happen; our straightforward software saves you time so you can get more work done. 

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Post by Giftbit
January 19, 2023